Orbit Irrigation is an industry leader in home irrigation products. Their sister company, Hydro-Rain, is a leader in commercial irrigation products. Orbit asked my team to help them build one of the first “Smart Sprinkler Timers” made by industry experts. While there were a number of smart timers on the market at the time, the significant players were made by startups with little to no experience in the industry.

Our team met often with Orbit executives and product managers to coordinate efforts between 3 outside engineering firms; Web Development (Noeis Software), Hardware Engineering (VPI Engineering), and Mobile Development (my team at Pixio). Not only was I tasked with this coordination effort, I was also to principle designer of the mobile application for 2 years from 2015-2017. Today the Orbit B-Hyve is one of the best selling sprinkler timers on the market with an Amazon rating of 4 stars with 1,385 reviews, and an iOS app store rating of 4.1 stars with nearly 4000 reviews.

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